Road Trip Activities for Kids

Road Trip Activities for Kids

road tripThere are thousands of different activities to hold your kids' attention during long car rides. We know that every situation is different. Sometimes, you need a wide variety of activities to entertain your toddlers and tweens. Well look no further—we compiled a short list of fun ideas for your upcoming travels!

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Unplugged Activities

A big part of the road trip is getting to spend time and interact with the family. These unplugged activities allow the whole car to participate and do something together.

Classic Travel Games

Some of the best car activities for kids of any age are the same games that most road trip kids grew up playing. From guessing games to visual scavenger hunts, there are so many different types of games for your kids to choose from and play.

The most popular unplugged games for kids of all ages are:

  • 20 Questions
  • I Spy
  • The Alphabet Game
  • The License Plate Game

These games provide hours upon hours of fun for kids and toddlers alike. With many of them, parents can jump in and play along as well!


Another great car activity is listening to audiobooks. Numerous services provide dozens of books for any age range.

Listening to a book is a great opportunity for a lot of children. They can hear a story no matter their reading level. Audiobooks are an excellent way to pass the time while giving your children the chance to "read" and understand more difficult books,

Sketching and Drawing

A fantastic creative activity for kids on road trips is drawing on something. A popular means of this activity uses dry-erase markers and whiteboards. These let kids draw and redraw as long as their hearts desire. Whiteboards can be used every trip, so you don't have to buy new drawing sets every time the kids want to draw on the road trip.

Gadget Activities

Sometimes different gadgets can be your best friend. They can provide different activities for the kids and are quick and easy to set up. But stocking up on these things to make a trip with the kids easier also can leave you with a lot of clutter. Check out our car organization products here to help alleviate some of that mess.

With tons of different gadgets out there, here are our top picks for gadget activities that take no time to get started and will have your kids wrapped up in seconds.

Endless Educational Apps

The most viable option is using your phone or iPad to give the kids an educational game. Many apps are designed to help boost your kid's math or reading skills while still being fun.

If your tweens prefer puzzle games, there are crosswords or sudoku. For toddlers learning shapes and colors, there is DragonBox (Apple iOS, Google Play). With kids who need a little help in any class, ClassDojo (Apple iOS, Google Play) helps kids to interact with teachers and parents in a virtual environment.

Sensory Games

Simon Says or Bop It are fun and easy to carry games for the kids as well. These types of games are great for trips. Although they are repetitive, they can help boost awareness and motor function in a colorful and flashy way.

The simple rules and audio queues these games give is great for young kids as well. They can quickly learn the game and be playing in a flash. The best part of games like these is the ability to try and best your friend or sibling. Multiple people can enjoy this gadget by passing it back and forth trying to beat each other's score and master the game.

Organizing Your Car

When packing for a road trip, things can get out of hand quickly if not organized into proper places in your vehicle. That's what Lusso Gear created several car organizers - to provide handy access to various activities for kids while keeping your vehicle neat and tidy. Whether you're looking for an organizer for on the seat, on the back seat, or on the font seat, Lusso Gear has you covered. See all the options here.